Michael Rill

Einfach machen

Tag: journal

  • Categories for journaling

    Over the past few years, long-hand journaling helped me reflect and think through many personal and professional topics. Ofir Sharony offers a nice framework to establish a journaling routine.

    “Start by shutting down all interruptions: disable Slack mentions and email notifications, place your phone out of sight, and enter your flow by wearing your noise-canceling headset. Once you feel focused, go over today’s calendar, skim through your to-do list, and reflect [on one or more of] on the following:

    1. Creations: What did you create today?

    2. Decisions: What were the top decisions you made today?

    3. Insights: What interesting ideas did you or others raise today?

    4. Challenges: What were the main challenges you faced today?

    5. Tomorrow: How do you make the most of tomorrow?”

    Leadership journal: become an inspiring leader | Medium

    It’s a nice structure and allows us to process what happened today to learn and improve for tomorrow. Little by little.