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Productivity isn’t the challenge; it’s a red herring. The true unlock is in clarity. Without it, we are just checking off tasks – busywork. Real productivity comes from clear view on where you want to go which will drive focus. It’s not about long lists. It’s about meaningful work. Ignore the siren call of social media; it’s a trap that drains energy and blurs your focus. Strive instead for those days where you are so […]

Companies are not families

Leadership / Opinion

Good New York Times interview with the new Peloton CEO Barry McCarthy. Near the end he dropped a nice nugget: And I say you’ll never hear me say we’re a family. We’re a sports team, and we’re trying to win the Super Bowl. And so we’re going to put the best players on the field we can. And if you go down the field, and we throw you the ball, and you drop it a […]

Staying clear of Nazis and Sharks – Reflecting on my News Diet


I've always been an avid reader of some kind of news. I spent most of my pocket money on PC magazines. When the internet came along, I discovered and as good sources to keep abreast with tech news. Over the last 25 years, news has become much more available, abundant and seductive. Over time the barriers for news creators lowered. At the same time, growth hacking and click-baiting made it easier to get […]