Michael Rill

Einfach machen

Category: Meta

  • Tech Shabbat – Going offline for a day

    Tech Shabbat – Going offline for a day

    Short disclaimer: I’m not a religious person and I’m not Jewish. So, I hope I don’t offend anybody with this post. But I think the concept is so good that I’d like to share it.

    A couple of months ago, I listened to an OnBeing episode where Krista Tippet interviewed Tiffany Shlain, a filmmaker and founder of the Webby Awards. In that episode Tiffany mentioned something she calls Tech Shabbat. It applies the concept of Shabbat as the day of rest for technology. It’s pretty simple: on Friday at sunset you turn off all your devices and only turn them on at sunset on Saturday. For our purposes we defined devices as phones, computers, tablets and TV. We allowed  kindles without wifi and old-school iPods.

    This arrangement creates some interesting constraints on your life:

    • You’re suddenly disconnected, i.e. if somebody wants to reach you, they have to come around to your house – no email, no phone, no Snapchat, no WhatsApp. You are only available to the people around you, which removes the feature of your brain that is constantly scanning whether somebody wants to reach you.
    • You don’t have access to an abundant world where everything is available at your fingertips. No more 30 million songs on Spotify, 40 million articles on Wikipedia or billions of interesting articles on the Internet.
    • You have to plan ahead and get creative. Since you are no longer able to coordinate with other people as you go, you have to arrange time in advance and then stick to the plan – no last minute changes.

    We greatly enjoy tech Shabbat whenever we commit to it. Time suddenly expands. All those little moments that are sucked up by a quick check of email or Twitter, are suddenly empty. You mind slows down and takes a well-deserved rest. It’s like a day-long mindfulness meditation. A Jewish friend recently described Shabbat as a block at the of the week that allows you to slow down, take rest and reflect. It prevents life from becoming a constant blur, where everything flows and becomes indistinguishable. Tech Shabbat seems like the light version of it, as I noticed that I’m definitely more present during those 24 hours.

    The other aspect I greatly enjoy are the constraints that tech Shabbat imposes. To listen to music, I had to dig up my old iPod and connect it to a pair of speakers. It was nice to rediscover old playlists and albums. When we met with friends, we had to print out the map in advance. Normally I’m totally reliant on Google Maps navigating me through the world. Reading a paper map was a nice challenge. Uber is no longer an option and I had to figure out the public bus system for certain trips. People often say that creativity thrives on constraints and I can say that I get a lot more ideas on Tech Shabbat.

    Most people I’ve told about this experiment are intrigued, but also commented that they wouldn’t be able to do it. We don’t do it every week, but I can highly recommend it and encourage anybody to at least give it a try. It’s only 24 hours and  afterwards you get back into the connected world.

    Tiffany produced a short video explaining Tech Shabbats in more detail. Have a look and find your courage to give it a try. It’s worth it.

    Photo credit: Andrew Huff via Foter.com / CC BY-NC

  • About this blog

    About this blog

    Having started multiple blogs before with various degrees of moderate success, I know of the dangers of crafting the About-page too early: you write down all your good intentions and once you press “publish”, you struggle to live up to your grand aspiration. It would be much safer to do it with a portfolio of posts in your back pocket. However, I understand that it is a good idea to define the scope of the blog early on and that should be part of your about-page. Let’s make this my ingoing hypothesis and if this blog turns out to become something completely different, I’m happy to change it.

    As the tagline in the upper left says, this blog is a collection of thoughts on helping others be their best (you can call it leadership if you want to) and software as a strategy to change business models (I still have to write up what I actually mean by this). I deeply care about both topics. If you think of it as a Venn diagram, I like to spend my time in the space, where both circles overlap.

    But why this blog?

    Writing helps me organise my thoughts and typically improves my thinking along the way. Doing so publicly provides an incentive to be less sloppy. Also: sharing is caring and if somebody enjoys reading these notes, that will make me a delighted person.

    What would this blog look like if it is successful?

    Success would mean writing one longer piece every other week and sharing two or three articles each week. In other words: making the time to write regularly and thereby progress my thinking. That’s all. That’s quite a lot.

    OK, but who are you?

    I was born and raised in Northern Germany, my journey has been continually south – Bremen, Regensburg, Munich and now Melbourne, where I work as a program manager, i.e. gathering, filtering, abstracting, synthesizing and delivering information. I’m part of a small team in a large corporation that helps that bespoke corporation learn from high-growth software companies and startups. Before coming to Australia, I worked for six years as a strategy consultant and before that I did a degree in business IT. And now this …

    Photo credit: Atos International / Foter.com / CC BY-SA